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Very much like this site that will constantly be under construction, so am I.....

Each day I am reminded that something

completely new and exciting can be found

if my eyes and heart is open to it. Each day

presents itself with yet another opportunity

to discover something new about the world

I live in and maybe a thing or two about

myself as well in the process. There are

"moments" in all our lives that release us 

from the gravitational pull which keeps our

spirits grounded and then

there are those that allow us to fly as if we

born to do so. It's here we find grace and its

here we brace ourselves for the inevitable

clumsy landing back to the inevitable and

away from the "moment" and all it's magic.


A truly great moment in life can almost sad to

me. While It allows us to get a glimps of what

perfection and true bliss really is. We also

know it simply can not last. We have all felt it;

a moment where you wish with all your heart

that you could just squeeze ahold of a little

harder and longer so it does not simply

disapate into this air like everythign in the

natural World ultimately does. There are

millions of these moments and all of them are

unique to each person. Think how you felt in 

that special   relationship, and the moment

you realized you have finally connected on a

deeper level with that other person. You are

literally walking on air. How long before you

realize this level of"perfection" has an absolute

shelf life and it simply can not sustain itself

over a life time. That is when dispair collides 

with utter exhuberance. And the very someting

that propelled you into the clouds making you 

the luckiest person on Earth, is the very same

thing that brings us all back spiraling down the

full weightof our existance with a thud.


The key is to start by finding  your moment of

perfection in your own life, no matter how

fleeting it is and honor it for as long as it takes

you to get your to the next and hopefully the one after that.


Once this momentum builds its easier to bridge them together. Knowing the

next one is out there somewhere to be found can help us ironically loosen

our death grip on the one we have and keeping it alive longer and forge

in our hearts deeper. Photography and art

helps me and others manage the mortality of those times by adding  visual

reminder to send us back to a time of magic, wonder and dreams.


Here, the things in life that inspire me & my clients are portrayed through a

lens, a paint bush or a pen and paper. To be an artist or photographer, it is

always my goal to know you under the protective surface used in day to day

survival . I want to understand what drives you in life and what specific things

make you feel most alive and passionate so I can deliver a product that

resonated with you on a esthetic and deeply personal level. This is why I

open up myself here as well, especially in my blogs so you can get a personal

reference point on who I am and who you will share your life, dreams and

hopes with. I whole heartedly believe this type of business is a two way street.

I am always open to any and all questions and hide nothing. Ultimately I need

to earn the trust in you to allow me into that part of your life in this way and

honoring that trust is paramount. 


It's too easy to get lost in the blinding pace of life. How many of us

wonder where all the time has gone? It's my goal to artistically

freeze a specific a single or hopefuly several important moments in your

life and suspended time to preserve its life as you remember it. Each of

these special moments captured leaves an imprint on the soul long after

the physical one has disappeared. 


Whether it be a 1000 pound Alaskan Brown Bear, or a little lady bug

working on a single speck of pollen, the curve of a woman’s hips or the

freedom in a child’s gaze; art gives us all a deeper look at who we are

and helps us slow down just enough to grant us the perspective that

allows us to feel alive. It creates a pause; one that will hopefully

point us back on our own path.


Until next time, keep creating your next new footprints for

your soul and those fortunate enough to be around you. And

never ever stop honoring those brief moments in time that

make you feel perfection in an otherwise imperfect World.



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